Wednesday, March 07, 2018


This is from a reply to a friend:
The poor and weak always bear the brunt of social, fiscal and legal action. They toil for the rich and subsidise the rich. The subsidy the rich get from the poor must far outstrip what they get from the state. That is through history. That is why the poor are enticed with a superior place in heaven where investigative journalism has not reached. It is no better in welfare states and communist states.
That is why human civilisation is about constant tussle and struggle and vigil and fight.
I am a pessimist about universal justice and optimist about individual optimisation of good living through honest effort, not if everyone wants to be a Nirav Modi or Choksi or Mallya.

Justice is not equal and impartial.
When the 'me-too' allegations were at its peak, several musicians came under cloud and there were vociferous cries that they must be banned and ostracised. No one bothered about their reputation. No one knows the truth and all of them are back in business.
When a gun was fired near a place of a prominent person, there was a hue and cry, but it turned out that it was accidental.
When something happens to us, it is always serious. That is natural.
"The least pain in our little finger gives us more concern and uneasiness than the destruction of millions of our fellow-beings. William Hazlitt."

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