Friday, December 22, 2017


Rationalism and Reservations
Rationally, there is no soul and no continuity for an individual. In that light, each individual irrespective of birth and caste is a new package. All that matters is the present condition of the individual and not the caste he is born into. The past discrimination cannot be held against the individual and a new discrimination is as unjust as the old one. A fair society should have equitable system of affording opportunities and efficient monitoring to see that equality is achieved casting aside past and paving the way for a good future. Failure to do so will perpetuate caste system and the injustice it is held accountable for.
Reservation and social reality
Reservation cannot by itself lift a group. Social conditions are uneven. The ambience for the backward groups is not conducive to learning. Lack of a home environment and a peer group that challenges is a serious impediment to education as I see how a family with both parents illiterate is unable to raise the standard of the children. Something has to be done for providing the right environment.
Reservation and jobs
We are imparting similar education to all and preparing everyone for an administrative or a clerical job, following the British system which needed such labour force. We will not have enough jobs of this type and the scarcity and reservation will be a perpetual bugbear causing social tension that may one day erupt. We need to change this and make education beyond primary stage diverse. We must impart varied skills depending on the aptitude and emerging job market. That calls for imagination and integrity that are more scarce than jobs.

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