Monday, December 04, 2017

Group dynamics

We are often impatient and frustrated at the direction and pace of events. This happens in organisations where we are working and about happenings in the country.
In chemistry, I read that the speed of a chain reaction is determined by the slowest link in the chain. In a like manner, though not exactly, a group performance does not proceed at the pace of the most efficient. A group is hard and slow to move. (A leader is part and parcel of a team. I have seen leaders who behave as though they are from heaven ruling over mortals. Surely, they would fail unless they are dictators).
The concern for the prodigal son who returned is symbolic. We have to show extra care for the laggards and errant ones. The sops for the poor and reservation address this concern in the larger context.
A leader must show patience and ability to increase the efficiency of a unit under him. It does not happen by itself or by decree. It calls for understanding the system, the role clarity, coordination, attitude, and so on. The leader has to spot the weak link and see how it can be addressed. Often a well-meaning manager or a political leader may fail because he goes about setting goals without attending to the parts of it that are malfunctioning.  

If we apply this yardstick, we can understand why things do not happen as we wish. It is doubtful that anyone of us would make too great a difference if we do not address the weak links in the group, and show realism as to what to expect.

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