Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rama Rajya

  1. Rama Rajya
    Mahatma Gandhi wanted Rama Rajya in India. A friend wondered how the Muslims would ever have agreed to it. It is pathetic that he should misread Gandhi. What Gandhi wanted was good rule, not one of worshipping Rama. Gandhi's life is eloquent testimony to his love of Muslims and championship of their rights. What does Rama Rajya mean? Let us turn to Valmiki:

    While Rama was ruling the kingdom, there were no widows to lament, nor there was danger from wild animals, nor any fear born of diseases.

    The world was bereft of thieves and robberies. No one felt worthless nor did old people perform obsequies concerning youngsters.

    Every creature felt pleased. Every one was intent on virtue. Turning their eyes towards Rama alone, creatures did not kill one another.

    While Rama was ruling the kingdom, people survived for thousands of years, with thousands of their progeny, all free of illness and grief.

    The trees there were bearing flowers and fruits regularly, without any injury by pests and insects. The clouds were raining in time and the wind was delightful to the touch.

    Brahmins (the priest-class), Kshatriyas (the warrior-class), Vaishyas (the class of merchants and agriculturists), Shudras (the servant-class) were performing their own duties, satisfied with their own work and bereft of any greed. While Rama was ruling, the people were intent on virtue and lived without telling lies.
    (This has to be interpreted in the context of divison of labour)

    All the people were endowed with excellent characteristics. All were engaged in virtue.
    (Source: sanskritdocuments.org)

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