Monday, December 17, 2018

Anonymous Quotes



Faith is discerning, not blinding; liberating, not binding.

Nov 23, 2006

We need God for here and now, for transacting business in this world.

God’s guidance comes. It is palpable, though subtle.

God is in the seen, but unseen.

God is intelligible to the innocent, not to the intelligent. 

Religious experience is as valid as any other to the experiencer.

Mythology is more useful than history to mind.

That faith is inferior, which claims to be superior. 
Soul is like electron. It is elusive if you try to fix it.

June 7, 2014 ·

I met God and asked him, 'Who is your authentic representative on earth?'

He said, 'I have not appointed any.'
May 29, 2014 ·

God is not the unknown, but the truth and substance behind the known. 

May 29, 2014

To believe in God requires just faith. To assert that there is no God requires प्राज्ञता (total knowledge).
December 26, 2015 ·

If you want to know god, do not read books, much less scripture. Look at nature and life. If you can lose yourself in its immediacy and intimate connection, you have realized god.
If religion is 'pleasant illusion' (Russell), agnosticism is intellectual pleasure. Neither may matter for living.
Not only the intelligence of a genius, but also the stupidity of an idiot, is the creation of god and with his grace.

The highest superstition is that rationalists live a rational life. The biggest fraud is self-proclaimed godmen.
April 7, 2015 ·

Nature is god’s language and the only devabhasha. God is neutral to the languages human beings have developed for communication among themselves.

March 13, 2014 · 

"God is beyond the senses, not beyond sense."
June 9, 2016 ·

To a samsari, god appears as the world. To a sanyasi, the world appears as god. The key word is 'appear.'

Religion and rituals are creation of man, and can help genuinely, like so many other ideas of man enrich his life.

Science and religion have both sprung from the same human minds. There is no way to tell that science can give us all the answers we are looking for. There is no way even to tell that the answers we have got are final.


We must give up the idea of god’s curse. One who curses cannot be god.


Who is the most unenviable scapegoat?
No wonder that he is ever in hiding.

A Bhaktha identifies God with what he does not understand, a jnani by what he understands or rather by the simple experience of understanding. Afool does neither.

Let us not go to God as escapism or for wish fulfilment. 

Dec 25, 2004 Tsunami

Neither nature nor God can be called kind. There is no explanation for the havoc. One sufferer goes about visiting shrines (Velankanni) in gratitude for getting a son

only to lose him to the waves. Nature is neutral across religions. 
Jan 28, 2005

I consider all scriptures as products of human origin and as evolved over time rather than as revealed at a time. They contain both grand and silly ideas. 
My life is adequate to believe in god, I do not need any evidence from outside.

God is love and love is God. A person full of love is love and hence God.


We must stop reasoning if we want to understand God.

Hinduism and Samskrtam have been intertwined with Tamizh and Tamizh culture for all known history.

Mixing faith and business lowers the sanctity of faith.

God, a much bandied word

I have reason to believe in god. I have no sense of mission to convince others about it, or the need for others to approve it

I am a Hindu. I am proud to say that. I believe in God as being, knowing and wanting nothing, not even our glorification and prayer.

Miracles deny a straightforward and reasonable god.

June 27, 2018

It is strange that people invent god to justify morality and then believe that god will pardon their immorality if prayed to!

May 1983

An atheist is emphatic that God does not exist, for, that which he does not understand is non-existent.  A theist believes in God for the same reason. What we cannot understand ought not only to exist but also should be infinitely wiser and more powerful than we are. Agnostics think they are the cleverest because they claim that they do not know. 

Peace will prevail if the abrahamic faiths accept each other and stop propaganda for conversion.

It is not only the most brilliant, but also the most stupid, that receive god’s grace. Like sunshine it is availbale to all. 

Atheists are more bigoted than believers and more intensely desirous of converting believers to atheists.


Virtue and worship only can lead to God realisation.


Spirituality is not about continuity into the future, but contentment in the present.
Advaita mediates, as it were, between atheism and implicit faith. 

Our dreams and our progeny as toddlers hold a mirror to who we are.


I feel that there is a whole that appears to human intellect and mind in several ways like space-time, mass-energy, matter-spirit continuums. It does not care for insignificant things like human beings which are a flash in the pan.

Individual soul is an illusion. It does not make sense to think of eternity for an illusion.

Separateness from the world is an illusion.

I exist.

I know that I exist.

That is bliss.

Individuality is a myth. We are part of a system like family, nation, and are tethered to their poles.

There are no final answers to basic questions.




April 25, 2016 ·

Truth is everywhere.


The whole truth is beyond us though within us.

Truth, strangely, is like a thief. It does not give out itself easily, whether in worldly 15/4/2001

It is the artist, the poet who grasps Truth, not the philosopher. The philosopher destroys truth by dissecting it.

The easiest way to Truth is to forget altogether the consequences of finding it or living it. 


matters like crime and responsibility, or in esoteric matters like what reality is.

All are capable of arriving at truth, but lies are charming and seductive.





Oct 12, 2000

Let us understand life. After-life will take care of itself.

Accept what IS. That is PEACE.

Our life is incomplete as long as we believe in miracles. Dependence is the basis of life- its pleasures and sorrows. Freedom is the basis of Ananda. 

Life is meant for idle pursuits. We struggle unnecessarily.

Life is neither a race nor a business.


Life is more chemistry than mathematics or physics. It is more emotional than rational. It has more to do with trial and error than planning and perfection.

There are two mysteries still: LIFE and CONSCIOUSNESS.

We have both. Let us celebrate. 

Suffering is the price for being virtuous. (A variant of 'virtue is its own reward!)


Struggle is not just inevitable, but necessary for life.

April 14, 2014 ·

The wisdom of life appears to be:

Just be.

Be yourself.
March 15, 2014

Go beyond language to meaning, and beyond meaning into life.
September 6, 2015 ·

Life is not a puzzle to solve; it is an opportunity to experience.
June 6, 2015

I wonder whether life is not possible without questions (I do not say ‘shut out curiosity’), morals (I do not say, ‘be immoral’) and judgment (I do not deny the need for values).
November 26, 2015 ·

Life evolves to preserve itself.

The justification why we live is we want to live. Any other reason is unnatural.

April 16, 2015

Inequality is the driving force of life.

Our desire to live permanently is killing most of us.

April 1, 2016 ·

Each life is a miniature universe.

October 22, 2017

As I see it, there are just two ways of coping with life. The first is to pray for and hope that that which is good happens to us. The second is taking all that has happened as for the good.

Life is a lot of fun one way or another. We must be who we are and at what we are doing. That is the only lesson worth learning and giving if asked.


Life is not about logic, law or contract.

If we keep seeking truth in whatever we are engaged in, it is joy and makes us free. 

We lead life not on evidence, reason and proof, but on hope, trust and faith.


Struggle is not just inevitable, but necessary for life.

Excessive concern for future may undermine it by endangering the present.

September 9 ·

Life is about experience or reminiscing it.

What about dreams? They are the best experience.

The past is not relevant except to the extent it is already imbedded in the present.

Success can never be the basis of life. In our adult life, our journey is a search for truth in all that we are engaged in.
Oct, 2004

Our life is incomplete as long as we believe in miracles. 

All evidence needed for life is before us. We should not look for evidence, message or revelation secretly delivered to others, or divine incarnations unknown to us. God is broadminded and would deal directly with us. He has no sole or multiple selling agents.

Grace, restraint, memory of the good, and cheerful good wishes to all - are unmistakable signs of maturity.

Everything is in movement about itself and in its sphere. This movement follows a rhythm and is life. Biological life is an offshoot of it. 

Dependence is the basis of life- its pleasures and sorrows. Freedom is the basis of ananda.

Life is meant for idle pursuits. We struggle unnecessarily.

Life is a mystery. Science tries to find it out. Religion pretends to have found it out. 

Renunciation is misunderstood. We do not renounce the world. How is it possible? We are here. We renounce desire, and action based on desire. 

June 26, 2005

Mere existence and awareness is joy.

Life is one per cent sense and ninety-nine per cent nonsense and fools stick to one per cent.

Life is rich. One is rich not by possessions but by attitude to life.

Comfort of existence is not the same as vibrancy of life.

We are here by choice favoured by chance. Life is about choice and chance.

This life is the only and one-off gift of god.

To live with a pure conscience is dharmam.

To live in (/as) pure consciousness is satyam.

August 4, 2018 ·

No matter how good a life one has led, at the end it is declared as some failure.

November 25, 2015

Life evolves to preserve itself.

The justification why we live is we want to live. Any other reason is unnatural.

Each life is a miniature universe.


This life appears to be complete in itself.
September 12, 2015

Life is more chemistry than mathematics or physics. It is more emotional than rational. It has more to do with trial and error than planning and perfection.

Dec 26

There is no greater purpose of life than living it. Or, more aptly, there is no other purpose of life than living it.

The whole universe throbs with life, biological life being a differentiation.

A robust seed when planted and nurtured yields multiple seeds. Life is a robust seed. If fortified with faith and nurtured with effort, it will blossom forth and yield multiple fruits.

This life is sadgathi. I feel no need for, or possibility of, any other. 






The hurt we send round comes back to us well nourished and grown up.

The world may be perfect; what is imperfect may be the way we look at it with wishful expectation from an anthropocentric perspective.

February 2, 2014 ·

Disorder is the order of the world.

- Second Law of Thermodynamics.

August 20, 2016 ·

There is no intention in nature that man should know everything.

June 10, 2016 ·

Nature does not follow reason. It chooses convenience. Human beings are part of nature and behave like nature does. The only difference is that they invent reason for what they do.
Mistakes make the world possible.



Sep 9, 2000

All our problems arise when we look at others. We get justice, happiness when we look at ourselves.Top of Form


Bottom of Form

Nothing is a miracle; many things are beyond human comprehension. 
Any truth is alloyed when it comes through human mind.
August 6, 2014 ·

I am not the body, but I am nobody without the body.

September 4, 2018

The mind doesn’t understand the limitations of the body.


நீ உடம்பு இல்லை என்று உற்று உணர்ந்த ஞானியர் சொன்னார்.
உடம்பை ஜாக்ரதையாகப் பார்த்துக்கொள் என்று உற்றாரும் மற்றாரும் சொன்னார்.
'You are not the body' said realised jnaanis.
'Take care of your body,' said relatives and friends.

July 3, 2014

Everyone, howsoever high, has a right to stupidity. Under this rule, everyone has a right to question others' stupidity.

June 11, 2014 ·

You are rich not by what you have but by what you spend.

April 27, 2014 ·

Ultimately, we do not matter. But, that does not matter now.

April 5, 2014 

Creation seems to be a split second affair. Big Bang took a tiny fraction of a second. Evolution thereafter took ages. So with reproduction.

January 27, 2014 ·

Hospitals charge for treatment, but give infections free.

September 12, 2015

One day I was thinking about having the toilet inside the house. Then it occurred to me that anyway we carry it in our body all the time.


Dating, mating and parting seems to be the crux of life and novels in USA.

October 16, 2014

The idea to pair is imbedded in us since the time a pair got that idea.May 3, 2015 ·

Marriage is a human institution. Heaven is in no way concerned with it. (Unfortunately, pun intrudes into my writing).

Love creates a bonding, marriage creates a bond and often married life boils down to a bondage.


It is difficult to find a man not ruled and overruled by a woman.

February 26, 2015

Some people have a deep sense of mission about what other people should do.

Wisdom is in silence, in the silence of the wise not of the fool.


Wisdom helps in coming to the right conclusion.

Wisdom is in not coming to a conclusion.

Wisdom is not a function of age, but of sensible and consistent experience.

One is not wise by what he says, but by what he is. Actually, a wise one seldom speaks.

October 10, 2015 ·

Frankness is not uttering what comes to mind. It may be rubbish and may not be of interest to others. Frankness is being honest in what we have to say. The golden rule is silence and not outspokenness.

June 7, 2016 ·

A man may cook and do many things a woman does at home, he can break a home, but he can never make a home.

January 25, 2016 ·

My experience is real, but not sacrosanct. It is contextual, conditioned and passing. So it is for others. If I develop this good sense, I will enrich my life sharing from others' experience.

April 27, 2016 ·

Tradition serves a purpose; it imparts stability and continuity.

Tradition is like a moving average. It is not fixed at a distant past.
Dec 10, 2000

We can manage only simple things. Complex things are either involuntary or evolutionary.

December 3, 2015 ·

We must know what we know; more importantly, we must know what we do not know.

March 4, 2015 ·

We have an opinion on almost anything as we have an infinite stock of ignorance.

April 14, 2016 ·

We form opinions faster than we accumulate knowledge.

April 14, 2016 ·

In a world where everything passes, let not our mind stay fixed. When the mind moves on to take the new experience, life is rewarding.

January 4, 2016 ·

Action is not necessarily the result of knowledge, but of the want of body and mind.

October 23, 2017 ·

Just as our senses are outward looking, our action is future oriented.


We should never argue with the wise or the foolish. If we argue, the wise will think that we already know, and stop sharing their wisdom. If we argue with the foolish, they will think that we do not know, and will start sharing more of their foolishness. I have made it clear where I belong!


Diligence matters more than intelligence.

Many think that our using English is a token of bondage to colonialism.

September 25 ·

Each one of us is unique and one-off.

July 14, 2018

A human being has the opposites in him as the world has the opposites in it.

August 2, 2018

We should not fob off socially undesirable things as divinely sanctioned.

Stories are written in third person and sometimes in first person. Both are stories.


Age is a question of control. Youth knows no control. Maturity is in control. Old age is when control is lost involuntarily.

It must be possible to relate with Reality, but not to relate It.

5th Oct. 2010

There arise from time to time men who make us believe in the importance of virtue, avoidability of sin and advantage of faith. We are drawn to them and we respect them and we even canonize them, do anything but follow them.

Apl 2010

Not that I know to talk less but I know less to talk.

Jul 2010

To be sure, the cynic has a place in the world. But being a cynic, he may not find it.


Gossip…Hear it, but do not act on it or form an opinion based on it. All of us are prone to uttering a comment or two here and there, which rather reflects an opinion carried to us than our own.

News: 'Millions of bacteria live in our human encasing.'
Maybe, they think that God has created such a fortified and cosy structure for their living.

Before retirement, work used to come in between worrying. I am now free to worry without hindrance.


Nothing has validity beyond the axioms and first principles from which they are

derived and built. It all boils down to: Is anything true in absolute sense? ‘Yes’ says religion; ‘can’t say’ says science and ignoramuses claim ‘No’.


Beyond that, to be rooted in the past entirely will be a grave error. 

The modern man is a vastly improved and revised edition of his early ancestors and it will be suicidal to revert to a primitive stage.

The due process of law leads to undue delay, even denial, of justice. 

Faith and family act as anchor to life.

A perfect state is where no action is needed. It is an idle state. 


Freeing oneself from responsibilities is different from fleeing from them.


Face the world, do not flee from it. There is nowhere to flee. 


This world is imitative and reciprocative. The good we do comes back redoubled. 


Association often produces an attachment which may not be explained by values and virtues.  


To be able to create is the best; not being able, to enjoy another’s creation is the best. 


We are ethically disturbed. Not that we do not have enough, but that others appear to have more than they deserve. We apply ethics to others which we ourselves do not follow. 


I must be clever. I write down thoughts that are likely to put me in good light in one way or the other. Do I write down all my thoughts- if it is possible? 


Man is not a rational animal, but a rationalising one. He clutches at reason when reason is on his side.


Some people appear to be in command of their actions and destiny; some others appear content to be part of a current. 


We learn when we teach.

We learn a lesson when we try to teach a lesson.


Aug 19

Why look at a man what he lacks unless to fill his needs? Why not look at him what he has that is pleasing to share without his ever wincing a bit? 

The flower in the shrub, the shrub in the woods and the woods in their isolation give greater joy than when man in his selfishness wants to possess it as his exclusive property.  


The only use of wealth is ability to promote welfare of those who wield it but also many others. Otherwise it is canker. 

Certain things can be understood but can never be proved. How do we prove the intention of a person? 


Science has knocked the bottom out of science.

Religion has knocked the bottom out of religion.

Language has knocked the bottom out of language.


A secret has no charm when you can’t say it to another person; it ceases to be a secret when you tell it.


We sacrifice our future by trying to defend our past. 

We strive in vain to preserve a past that is gone for good.

Let not the past as a drag. No one or nothing is the same for ever. 

The best way to help others is to help yourself and act fearlessly. 

Hurt is caused by hurt and ego.


Our desire to live permanently is killing most of us. 

We try to live through our children. 


1.    Life may become extinct if everyone follows a policy of no killing.

2.    At a fully rational level there will be no justification for life as we live it normally.

3.    Life is a journey on the wheels of emotion. Ego, ambition and desires provide the motives for action.


To see others happy is the best way to be happy.


A decision is not ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It is a commitment.

May 31

Conviction leads to action. Sometimes action may lead to conviction. 

Jun 30

We are marked by the choices we make not by the results.

Oct 12, 2004

Let us understand life. After-life will take care of itself. 

Our life is incomplete as long as we believe in miracles. Dependence is the basis of life- its pleasures and sorrows. Freedom is the basis of ananda. 

Life is meant for idle pursuits. We struggle unnecessarily.

Trust but not blindly, and check at random unobtrusively. 

Give benefit of doubt if there is doubt.

Take a total view in a calm moment.

Skill depends on attention and retention. Attitude depends on culture and upbringing. 

We should not fall into the false notion that we should grow out of being a child. A child enjoys simple things and is spontaneous, unreserved, innocent and non-discriminating. 

Listen to others, but follow your judgment.

Whatever idea you get, you will find that it had been stolen by someone or other before you were born! 

Putting the loved one before self is love; not putting before all others in public space.

Dreams and our progeny hold a mirror to our personality.

Expansionism is bad, be it in territory, religion or language.

Sanctity of liberty is subordinate to sanctity of nation. If nation is considered a notion, so is liberty.

Neither is Hinduism a religion nor India a nation. Both are loose conglomerates. 

When two civilisations clash can either of them be called a civilisation? 

*Head, like father, sends instructions and controls all limbs including heart. Heart, like mother, sends oxygen and nourishment to all limbs including head, and protects.

Most of us are literate, many numerate, a few educated. 

It is satisfying to think that I am a fresh mistake rather than a carry-over mistake.

People pay heed to biological needs rather than to scriptural injunctions.

Subject income of all godmen of whatever hue to some public audit. There is nothing holy in money.

Politicking on rapes is as great a crime; so is media competition for visibility.

We are one with what looks to be outside us. Caring for what looks to be outside is caring for ourselves.

We should not harm any being or thing as far as possible. 

It is important to be right rather than try to prove to be right. In conventions, beliefs and etiquettes, ususally it is a matter of conformity as they are arbitrary.

A good answer is often one that is shorter than the question. The more detailed the answer, the more questions it raises. 

Liberalism loses face when it discountenances an opposite opinion.

The biggest disease is the constant feeling of lack of something.

ABC law is for choosing what to do. All chosen things need the same intensity of attention.

All hatred is bad including brahmin hatred and modi hatred,

Civilisation is glorified exploitation, the privileged exploiting the poor as slaves or cheap labour.

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