Monday, December 24, 2018


May 17, 2016


Modi got a clear verdict at the hustings as people believed in him to deliver on development.
Development is a slogan nobody dares to doubt. But, what does it mean? We are usually in a spot of bother whenever we question what passes for common knowledge. I remember Finar discuss what an alkaloid is, leaving it inconclusive, even though people may never miss to identify an alkaloid.
Development takes place all the time whether one plans or not. We have come to assume by development a programme which will galvanise the factors of production creating employment and wealth. That much should be above dispute.
My problem arises when I look into the future from where we stand today. We live in overcrowded cities with pollution levels above tolerance and lack of basic necessities like water and power. Land is scarce too and what is attempted is redistribution with the concomitant social issues and political meddling. Can this game go on and on?
It is my guess that as technology advances, it guzzles up more and more resources to create fewer and fewer jobs, or automates cutting down jobs not really compensated by creation of jobs elsewhere as argued in the past. I wonder if any study has been made to see whether the change from agricultural to manufacturing has created or destroyed jobs. I visited a viscose rayon plant which was put up on a river bank cutting off water to the farmers. Even drinking water had become scarce to them. The state is reeling under drought today. There is of course no immediate connection between the two, but is it what we will be leading to in the not-so-distant future? Who can give a reliable answer?
Is the development model we have embarked on wise or is it a will-o-the –wisp?
Who is bothered? We destroy nature which supports life in the quest to make a living for a surging population and for increasing the comforts of a virtual world.
Is there an alternative? Maybe, but it will not be workable. We are holding on to the tail of a tiger.

November 30, 2015

The West had dealt with the world on unfair terms. It has treated the life of a Westerner as more precious than others. It has paid lip sympathy when attacks were on the third world and presumably much of the money it has pumped for fighting terror has gone to strengthen it. It has acted in self-interest blindly and the result is the current reaction. Its consumerism is an abetting factor.
Unless the West sees certain broad humanitarian principles and acts in concert at the roots, there can be no peace. The bombing of Syria will not do away with ISIS. So long as people subscribe to a belief and are willing to die in its cause, terrorism will be a real threat. As of now, there is no solution in sight. We have to live to have equality, freedom and faith. Forces that threaten life in small or big way, in accordance with some archaic law or flouting law, have to be neutralized. That is a big challenge and we are yet to wake up to it.

November 28, 2015
Intellectual property  
The West is at great pains to ascribe discovery to certain individuals, including philosophical ideas. In India, anonymity has been preferred.
I wonder how far it is right to credit anyone fully for anything. Even Einstein concedes that his theory is on the back of much that has gone before. Nothing happens from a vacuum, but for the idea of creation which is dogma till now.
No one may be accused of plagiarism, but certain things are at the subconscious level, and one may not really know the triggers for the ideas that appear novel and blaze a new trail.
Intellectual property rights is an offshoot of this fixation. It is believed that it encourages innovation and progress. This may have to be debated.
An open society with sharing and modest claim to originality may mean a better world where there is contentment and cohesion.

September 02, 2015


Village must be made the fulcrum of India. That will be a real tribute to Gandhi.
When I visited a village in Germany, where Cosmos parked us for a night as the rent was cheap there, I saw it was a village for being small, but had every convenience. We need to develop our villages like that. Possibly, the villages can be powered by solar power. Clean air and water must be a relatively easy thing to provide.

A village can be economical by recycling and avoiding conspicuous consumption and waste. Even retired people must find a village a better place to spend the twilight years merging with nature as a precursor to absorption into nature. There could be old age homes in some villages for those who may not afford independent living.

What will sustain a village? Apart from agriculture, much of what can be done without a regular office can be done there. We can develop artisans, providing training, inputs and marketing.

It will be a good idea to take school children to live in a village during vacation. Learning agriculture and living with nature is a healthy pursuit.

Prof. Indiresan once wrote how providing metros, flyovers, etc. in a crowded city would attract more immigration and more crowd, necessitating such improvements on an ongoing, unsustainable basis. Cities must be made costly so that a city does not attract people who can live comfortably in a village.

Lalu’s call for smarter villages rather than smarter cities is the right noise. Why he did not do it when he had the power is fodder for politics. The sense in this call is undeniable.

February 14, 2015


Enticing the electorate with freebies, a form of large scale corruption, is indulged in even by parties that have an ostensible purpose of rooting out corruption. That is the true Indian-ness – susceptibility to corruption, obtaining something out of the way.
The mentality for this may have its basis in our desiring something free, without working or paying for it. In Tamizh, we have a word ‘கொசுறு’ something extra. When a vendor measures out the demanded quantity, the buyer asks for a little more, kosuru. This is dubbed as ‘kosuru buddhi.’ The election promise exploits this expectation.
Can everything be free? Perhaps, it was so before man’s intervention with economics. But, even in the natural order, effort was required to get one’s wants. Economics only tried to intermediate through money for the price of efforts and goods. A few people, the old and infirm, the destitute and neglected, may qualify for free goods and services. That is not an aspect of economics, but an essential of social justice. It is a well thought out state policy. But, when across the board anything is offered free, it defies economic fundamentals and social fairness. It cannot be sustained without adverse consequences sooner or later.
I heard it said that in T.N. agricultural labour has become scarce as people were getting things free. A contractor in Bengaluru told me that building labour was difficult to source because people who used to come from the border villages had no compulsion to work.
The freebies are mainly offered by state governments and they look to the centre for resources. That is a potential field of conflict. With different parties in various places, partisan attitudes are possible and will be alleged anyway. Is there a way out?
I feel that the free component of any goods or services may be prescribed uniformly so that in one nation, all people are equal at least in eligibility for freebies. The free component must be moderate and any usage above it must be so priced as to make the provider of goods and services viable overall. That will give inducement for production or make state where it is the producer stay afloat with its own accruals.
In the absence of a sensible solution to this mad rush to garner votes at the expense of public finance, we may be headed for disaster, a failed state as an equal to our neighbour.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Hindi is not the sole language of India, nor is it the language of the majority. We can go back to a conglomerate of linguistic nations and avoid the conflict. Two nations among the conglomerate who do not share a common language may decide by mutual agreement how they should communicate. Maybe sign language can be tried. Just as Hinduism is not the sole religion of India, Hindi is not its sole language. We are a pluralistic society unlike Japan, Germany, France, etc. People from these countries do talk in English where it matters. No one is trying to say that all should know English. But, English serves a useful purpose and until such time the whole country is at ease with any other language, there is no sensible purpose in acting high-handedly, uppishly and provocatively. Let us attend to development, acche din, ridding of corruption, cleanliness, women safety, inflation, etc. We cannot eat literature or Hindi. Let us feed the people properly. Hindi can come by the bullet train when the whole country has connection by bullet trains.

I find conversing in Hindi as much a problem as any Indian finds English. I am comfortable in Tamizh, not English. I do not mean just me (so many non-Hindi speaking ordinary people, they are just not TN alone, but in 60% of the country at least; I have nothing to lose, I got everything by luck). The only viable is to continue with English as long as necessary, a solemn promise made by Nehru. Let Hindi people talk in Hindi, let them have everything English but English, who am I to object to it? But, let them not expect that I will be willing to be a second class citizen in the country in which I am born. I am proud of my language, and literature is being produced in Tamizh despite English dominance for more than 2 hundred years. It is a continuous stream running for several millenia. Tamizh is a classical language by global recognition. As for countries that are multilingual, I know of none that is as complex as India and which has forced its way to be unilingual. My arguments are sound and well-meaning. I want the real issues to be attacked and the country to make economic progress. Arts, literature, philosophy flourish in a prosperous country. Let us work for prosperity, let us feel our way through with concern and love not dogma and false call of patriotism.

To connect two people, desire and heart are needed. Thereafter, communication flows. Language arose from need to communicate, not the other way. My mother and a Bengali lady used to communicate with no common language in London. We will pick up. You are proficient in Hindi because of exposure and interest. So we have to create conditions of exposure and interest (applies to all learning). To make it compulsory is to stir a hornet's nest.


One-third of the world deals in English from what I see. The point on which a swadesi is sore is that India has had a richer tradition and status than many of these countries. But, we let ourselves slip. We cannot make up for it in a draconian way. I believe we will enrich our mother tongues also by latching on to English and by freely borrowing English words. That is how a language grows. Look at the richness of English and the plethora of sources it has borrowed from.

June 21, 2014

How to end corruption

Corruption is endemic in India. The reasons for this are many. It is said, and it has some validity, that our faith has in it the seeds of corruption. Leaving aside faith, which is a sacred cow, it is rather obvious that corruption is ingrained in us for some reason or other.
Corruption occurs at various levels. It is a fashion to ascribe corruption to politicians and public sector. While it is undeniable that there is widespread corruption among politicians, babudom and public sector in general, it does not stop there. Like service, corruption also is sector-neutral. In fact this is one field where there is wide public private participation.
How does corruption affect us? ‘Petty’ corruption pinches directly (like a policeman demanding money, money to be paid for water, electricity connection, etc.). Corruption of the scale of 2G affects indirectly. The difference is between direct taxes and indirect taxes. (Kalidasa describes Himalaya as the measuring rod for the earth. Likewise, 2G will be the yardstick for some time for ministerial corruption. Anything lesser may be overlooked as fleabite.)
Can petty corruption be done away with? This will be palpable if done since it concerns our day-to-day living. It will be difficult, however, to be sure of the Himalayan corruption. There are some well-educated, intelligent ministers who are past masters in leaving no tracks that will lead to them in an exposure.
Now, what do those who raise the ruckus on the issue promise?  Do they promise to eradicate all forms of corruption or only the 2G type? Performance comes later. Is there clarity on what they promise?
There is a saying that possession is nine-tenths ownership. The corrupt are of the view that taking money is nine-tenths outside the arm of law. It is far from clear how a new law (lok pal) will make a huge difference. It is in implementation that all laws tumble down.
It does not mean that there is no hope. But it calls for looking at what causes corruption possible and address those issues. Permit-licence-quota regime was a fertile breeding ground for corruption. When these were dismantled, corruption in those areas became impossible. Controls and discretionary release of controls breed corruption. We have to remove controls boldly in many areas.
Sales tax.
Computerisation has increased convenience and also made evasion and manipulation more difficult. Capturing transactions online and hyperlinking can make a dent. Railways is an instance where customer convenience has increased and an apparent order achieved by computerization.
Another way is to fix time limit for disposing of applications for government service and fixing accountability for non-observance of the time limit. All this can be done online.
Shortages lead to malpractices. Working on the supply side will reduce these.
The public have a duty too. Unless we are determined, corruption will never go. A village official who hoodwinked the illiterate villagers and made money on their ignorance remarked 50 years ago, ‘As long as there are gullible people, cheats will thrive.’ As long as people are ready to bribe, corruption will continue. The bureaucrats and politicians are not dropped from Mars, but are from among us.

July 26, 2016 ·
There is a strong air of distrust between ‘Hindus’ and Muslims. The more we want to be discreet not to mention it, the more it seems to grow.
All of us have true Muslim friends who feel warmly to us and whom we regard. In Mumbai and Hyderabad, I had Muslim drivers who shared a family feeling. The Hyderabad driver brought to me the sweet prepared for one of their festivals. The Bombay driver would not charge for personal trip if I engage him (not that I have used it). In my village, there was healthy respect showed by Muslims from neighbouring places. My father took me to a Muslim Unani practitioner in the fifties. I did not see any hostility between people.
Politics and half-baked history have created the prevailing atmosphere of distrust. When I had to leave my mother alone for 2 weeks in Jaipur, a Muslim colleague was her guardian. At the practical level, there is a lot of goodwill between the two communities.
Muslims are as much in fear of insecurity as Hindus fear a terrorist lurking in a Muslim. Both are justified in a measure, but are overblown and played on. A text book Muslim and a text book Hindu are not to be found. There is however a difference. Muslims believe truly and Hindus are indifferent mostly. Strength of one’s belief can lead to anger. But, there are many Hindus who try to emulate in intensity of belief. What we need is creation of open dialogue and build up of trust.
We do not want to see the emergence of a religious state of whatever shade. As it is impossible at present to think of a state with majority of Muslims which can be secular, we need to guard against India becoming a Muslim majority nation. That can happen if the current demographic trend continues.
But, it is necessary to believe in the human bond we all share and strengthen it on humanitarian lines forgetting religious difference.

November 6, 2017 ·
I have read that India was a nation and had a basic unity before the invaders. The notion that the British are responsible for the idea of India as a nation has been challenged. Let it be.
India as a nation or Hinduism as a religion has to be understood differently from other nations and religions.
India was one nation in belief mostly for a long while, the different beliefs appeared to share something common, but it was a collage of many states, 56 in literature, but much more in history. It may still be possible to think that we had several autonomous states, but one nation without the burden of common army, ruler, etc.
As to religion, the sects multiplied ironically with each reformer trying to unify it under some lofty banner and a single god.
The point that we should think as Indians and unite as Hindus remains a noble slogan, a destination that is as near as the horizon. The force of culture, differentiation being its basic trait, asserts itself over statement of intention. We think as a group within a group – region, language, caste, sub-sect, work, etc. forming the basis for grouping.
Let India roll on without our trying to check its course. Let there be threat to Hinduism. It will produce more great men. Its spiritual saga will continue under variety and adversity. Try to steamroller it into some homogeneity that is artificial and based on a unity that nature has not intended, it will lose its vitality.
Let us remember what Kunti prays: “May there be misfortunes to us so that you will remain in our hearts, O Krishna.”
And also what Krishna says, “Whenever there is decline of virtue, I appear to protect virtue and the virtuous.”

April 2, 2017 ·
The following are not marks of patriotism:
1. Hindi chauvinism. Preference for English is not anti-national. Yes, English is a colonial hangover, so are dress, hairstyle, etc. English is perhaps the most beneficial hangover.
2. Vegetarianism. Ancient India never advocated vegetarianism even to Brahmins. Non-veg. food of diverse animals has been in vogue. Only beef has been taboo. But, there were beef eaters and it was not imposed on them not to eat beef. I see why anyone should object to beef being eaten by people who have no compunction about it.
3. Culture. Like in language and rituals, we have been a country of varied culture and social practices. Absorption and tolerance have been the distinguishing traits. To expect some sort of cultural homogeneity is impractical.

4. Everyone is of Hindu origin. While historically it may even be true (one does not know however what a Hindu is) and scientifically we may be related in DNA, when we refer to Hindu, it denotes a faith, which is a dress we choose to wear. If someone has changed the faith, that is the external reality. Except bigots, no one knows about the soul and its after-death fate. To try to force the issue is to divide us irreconcilably.

November 1, 2017 ·
How far are we justified in complaining?
Everyone complains except the man in the street working for his daily meal. He has one means of complaint, a vote once in five years. He makes the best use of that rare chance, selling it to the highest bidder. We may say from ivory tower that there lies the rub; that if he exercises the vote judiciously, we will have better governance. That is just not true though. It presupposes that there is a choice between what is good and what is rank bad. It is like the assumption of the economics that man is rational.
There is a fruit vendor near my house selling on the road paying rent for the road to the policemen like all such vendors. He had spent a fortune in educating his son and is in debt of Rs.5 lakhs. His business is also tepid with police renting out the road to more vendors.
There was a lady selling greens, must be in her early fifties. One day, the servant maid brought the tragic news that she took her life because of dispute with her married daughter. That must be over money, I presume.
There is a coconut water vendor who told me that his mother was ill and he had to spend Rs. 3 lakhs. He was happy that she got better. He had to borrow Rs. 2 lakhs to defray the medical expenses.
There was another construction worker who had to keep pampering the greedy son-in-law’s family.
That is real India.
When I think of that and the numerous complaints that we have, how our salaries and pension are a pittance, medical benefits are stingy, interest rates are low, petrol price is astronomical, etc. (not minding anyway the fat hotel bills, entertainment costs, and so on), I am left bewildered.
Whom should the govt. care for more? The govt. seems to be bothered about legislators and its own servants going by the hefty increases to them in the recent past. The mischief started there. If they can be paid so much for talking nonsense or pushing files and even offered immunity for not doing work, those in public sector exposed to risk would deserve more.

It leaves me at a loss how we are going to become a better nation, Modi or no Modi.

Down the sinuous path of an unsteady mind
What should a singer sing? There have been popular singers who read the pulse of the audience uncannily and delivered masterful concerts. One singer, when asked whether he would like to go by the preference of rasikas, quipped, ‘Which rasika’s preference should I follow?’ That is both sensible and stupid. It is sensible because there will be divergence of views. It is stupid because the singer is singing for the audience and must take into account what the majority are likely to relish. That has to be done intuitively, not by some referendum. A singer, on top in concert circles, said, ‘I create music and make the audience relish it. I do not play to the gallery.’ That is the hallmark of an artist, a performer, a player, and a leader.
When we come to politics, which interests us and wrecks us, the question of doing what the people like or making the people accept what is done assumes polemical importance. People including me would like to show that we are democratic and that one must honour the sentiments of the people. We think that like weather report there is some bulletin from where we can gauge the public mood. Yet, a leader has to do it if he likes to survive. That eagerness to survive rather than perform is the bane of democratic politics, spawning freebies, violence, strange bedfellows, and many ills that plague us.
One CM tried inviting public opinion on issues and no one hears of it any more. That was daft to start with, and failed miserably. A general must decide, not debate. A leader must lead, not follow. To be able to follow one must have been a good follower. (We see how someone catapulted to the top without grassroot experience makes an ass of himself.)
Plebiscite or referendum is an option.
Yuval Noah Harari says: “Referendums and elections are always about human feelings, not about human rationality. .. If democracy were a matter of rational decision-making, there would be absolutely no reason to give all people equal voting rights.” About Brexit (the jury is out whether it is a sensible decision): “Richard Dawkins protested that the vast majority of the British public, including himself, should never have been asked to vote in the referendum, because they lacked the necessary background in economics and political science.”
What about data that may be available in public domain that is getting larger by the day? Harari says about data credibility: “Zuckerberg was about to bring out a book about building a global community based on data available with Facebook. At that time, Cambridge Analytical scandal revealed that the data entrusted to FB was harvested by third parties and used to manipulate elections around the world.”
A referendum in an emotionally supercharged atmosphere cannot be a reliable barometer of rational decision making.
A decision on hunch, gut feeling or some norm is substandard, but then it may be taken when the givens are non-negotiable, time is of the essence and an opportune moment for a consultative decision making is long past.

The commoner’s obiter dicta:
The govt. must think of contributory PF for unorganized sector.
The govt. must put in place a credible system of tracking the jobless. Everyone cannot be given a govt. or white collar or blue collar job. But everyone must be able to find an avocation to earn a decent living. The govt. must do something serious to keep people feel justified in their trust. It must also contemplate unemployment dole that is sustainable and leak-proof.

The security cover for all politicians must be reviewed and removed or reduced. When I was in service, V P Singh’s son would come as an employee of an investment bank accompanied by security guards. That was extravagant. There must be many such cases.

Jobs for locals
This theme is global. We are seeing a backlash to globalization everywhere. Trump is top of the chart. Ann Marie Harmony says that he is the man for the moment. We have to accept not because she is right, but because she is on the spot.
That theme came in Mumbai a long while ago and the protagonists have become a political force with more non-nationalist themes. We see it spreading.
The problem about reservations, and provincialism, stems from lack of enoughjobs. This is complicated by hierarchy in jobs. Most people converge to one type of jobs. General education produces clerical skills, and specialized education tended to produce engineers and doctors. Now, it is software. If dignity of labour were a reality and pay less discriminating, perhaps we would have a better situation. We need people for different types of jobs which must complement each other to let the society run well oiled. There is less glamour or no glamour for farm jobs and even planners and pundits feel that migration of rural people is the solution. That will create only more discontentment and garbage. The point is that there are not enough lucrative jobs.
The Economist brought forth the point that immigrants bring skills and contribute to the kitty much more than they draw. Even the development of Mumbai was due to talent moving in besides natural endowments. People from the south flocked to Kolkata, Mumbai and Delhi and now there is reverse migration for jobs. That may be proper nationalism and economic sense. But, we have no time for cool thinking.
As reservations will be part of life, we must take care to see that it does not become too oppressive. There are several central govt. undertakings in various places. Reservation in them for locals will be miscarriage of justice. Private sector may feel that it is a mill round its neck. It must look for fits and not go by sentiments. The reservation cannot be across the board. It must be for unskilled jobs. Such niceties must be factored in.
It may be worthwhile formulating a policy for all regions based on consensus as it will not be possible to hold out against such reservations.
Well, I have expressed my reservations which is more hot air in a tropical country.

Pakistan and Congress have a shared vision: return of Nehru’s rule. That should not be surprising. All steps taken by Congress since 1947 helped Pakistan to turn Kashmir into a cauldron, the necessary background for a militaristic religion (Durant’s terminology, not mine) to take charge. As things seemed to get out of control and Indian options dwindled to zero, Modi govt. changed the game the way no one suspected until the time additional troupes were rushed to Kashmir under the pretext of perceived threat from across the border. Speculation went rife. Though 370 annulment was mentioned, no one knew for sure. When on Monday the announcement came in RS amidst predictable tumult, the surprise element was not total but still it stunned most people. One would have thought that it would have floundered in RS, but, be it behind-the-scene manoeuvre or parties sensing the national mood, the motion had a far easier sail with two thirds voting supporting it. The abstentions were an indirect support. Congress was caught with pants down and is still running naked. Many staunch loyalists demur openly or anonymously (most of them are near anonymous any way.)
I reacted, ‘An ill-advised step,’ a backstab by a ‘notorious bhakt’, and I keep my fingers crossed. There are hurdles to cross and the wisdom of the move will be known only with lapse of time, not days or months, but more. But, in a democracy, dissent cannot be converted to subversion and antinational propaganda based on hunches and fake reports, making it easy for the detractors to pull India down in international fora. Would Congress endorse its LS floor leader’s contention that Kashmir matters must be decided only in consultation with Pakistan?
All statements by Congressmen like Raul Sahib, PC, etc. are in perfect pitch alignment with Pakistan and they have openly acknowledged their indebtedness to Congress and NDTV. I have not heard the voice of Mani Shankar, who is the mole of Pakistan in India. He may be busy in Kashmir or Pakistan for helping the people there.
Right or wrong, no one is willing to part with Kashmir. The peace moves all these years have come unstuck. Right or wrong, the govt. has taken the bull by its horns. Let us not test the valour of the matador by exciting the bull.

July 11, 2016

People accept some ‘leaders’ by some characteristic that attracts them, not necessarily their character, competence or contribution. This trait of hero worship is age old.
In independent India, the first instance that comes to mind is Nehru. When he died Rajaji wrote, ‘Vasikara nayakanin sakabdam mudivadainthathu – the era of the charismatic leader has ended.’ His contribution to independent India is rather emotional and ideological, not substantial. This is a bitter criticism, and India did make progress in science and industry in the years when Nehru ruled, but we must compare it with other nations in Asia in the same period and the pernicious dynastic succession that he had cleverly foisted on us. It is a big topic and the only point I like to stay on is that he was the unquestioned public figure of his days on the back of his popular appeal rather than performance.

MGR, a matinee idol, rose to become CM on the back of his carefully built up image as pro-poor and of noble character. We may not get even a glimpse to his real nature. As for pro-poor, his estate devolved on his relatives. I wonder what really has been his contribution to the governance as concerns the poor. Even otherwise, there has been nothing worth writing home about. But, no one dare question MGR in TN.

Diana was so popular. For what? For her looks. I saw nothing of her that deserved mention for public acclamation. She was after sensual things and lived opulently on public money. But she was an icon and her funeral was a national event. It did not happen in Timbaktu, but in UK which once ruled half the world.

We have grown up under the British for 200 years who did much to convert us if not religiously at least in mindset, and since independence in the same mould by anglophiles led by Nehru who despised anything Indian. It is no wonder that The Economist would sound reasonable. Well argued, with facts, so would we feel. I am also a party to it. But, I slowly realised how their take is skewed in matters I knew rather before reading their column. I began to wonder what it would be like where I read it for the first time. I realised that no media puts out news without its own bias and baggage.
Facts are always dicey. What media presents is not fact, but a view. The same event can be presented in different ways depending on the craft of the writer. Again, how material and relevant is the fact? Is an incident representative? Does it truly represent the psyche of the people as a whole? Our thinking is clouded and indecisive. The media tries to fix it for us. Surely we agree because we have arrived at a similar conclusion, but from a base that is common – groomed for long from convent to college and later, in conformity with the angle from which the westerner would look at it. Think for a moment: he looks at it from his perspective and advantage. We do the same. We look at it from his perspective and benefit.
T C S Srinivasaraghavan once gave an instance of BBC’s objective reporting. When IG was assassinated, the govt. waited before going on the air because it wanted to take security precautions. BBC reported it first – a great feat! When Diana died, the British govt. delayed the announcement and BBC fell in line.
Our views are shaped day in and day out by the media that is controlled by the Lutyens who all operate with vested interests (see articles that bare their ugly face).

We were long settled to what Rajaji dubbed as licence-permit-quota raj. The businessmen honed their skills in managing regulation whatever it meant. We saw one group being extra smart on it and reap a rich harvest. Their sway continues.
When this behemoth was done away with and deregulation came, the businessmen were not prepared for the change. Their management domain suddenly enlarged. Instead of managing the regulators, they had to manage multiple forces at play in the market. Globalisation (there are vehement critics of it not without reason) further escalated the boundaries of the domain. The businessmen had to retrain themselves, but the culture of hiding something was so well entrenched that they adulterated what must have been a pure market-driven economy with the hangover of hanky-panky.
The call for not proceeding against suspected wrong-doers in order to ‘restore’ the economy is emanating from a source that liberally backed the system for shared benefits. Demonetization must have flushed out a lot of black money into the banking system, though without commensurate accretion to govt. by way of collection of evaded taxes. The drive against those with unaccounted money (no sane person doubts that the people proceeded against are culpable, though they are a tip of the iceberg and handpicked to settle scores) has further jolted the players in parallel economy. The point is that the rules of the game might have changed and the businessmen who had a nexus with the media acting as brokers, bureaucrats and politicians find their links loosened. The altered scenario might have induced hesitancy and uncertainty.

If the govt. intends to clean up, it must do so even if there is a hiccup. Reassuring that the old ways can continue will only worsen the situation. The drive against tax evasion and bribes must be intensified impartially. It calls for the unthinkable political solidarity.

It is ok to agree or disagree, but to think that the thinking of others is biased whereas ours is principled is sham.

The problem of today in Kashmir is more of an attempt to establish a caliphate, it is said. The world must wake up. While Kashmir is internal to India and return of PoK has to be settled bilaterally, the idea of caliphate spreading its wings is a bad signal.
Caliphate is a mediaeval idea formed in the dark. In today’s world, the issue is how to make a good living within the reach of everyone by knowledge and application, not by subscribing to superstition and unverifiable promises.
Belief in god is in personal domain and perfectly legitimate so long as god is not turned into a politician vying for power. Through the entire history of organised religion, the clergy have been the regents for the never-to-come-of-age god. But, after the advent of modern ways of govt. like democracy, there are other impostors who rule in the name of the proletariat.
The common man is always an observer, a role caricatured tellingly by R K Laxman.
Let us have the modern impostors, not the mediaeval ones. Let each faith walk in dignity shoulder to shoulder with each other and with disinterested atheism.

Confusing signals on economy
World economy in trouble. China’s growth falls to the lowest in 27 years. IMF cuts India’s growth rate, but India and China will be the fastest growing economies. What is there to complain for India in isolation?
I see hectic building activity in my neighbourhood and new shops coming up paying high rents. IIM chaps are in high demand. Stock market has bounced back. How do we explain this if economy is stuck?
I do not know of an unemployed youth. The son of a fruit vendor nearby resigned from one job and got into another. Any news of unemployed youth known to FB friends? People lose or quit jobs but land in another. That may be the story for quite some time now, unlike in my generation when it was one husband or widowhood. Is this applicable: “The irony is that the problem isn’t a lack of jobs. Rather, it’s a lack of people with the right skills and knowledge to fill the jobs.”
Prices are more or less steady. There is generally no shortage of any commodity.
Underutilisation of capacity must be there understandably because there has been feverish build-up incommensurate with demand. Auto sector can be in a tight corner because roads are narrow and parking space has been used for building! There was a cartoon that a pedestrian refused lift because he was in a hurry. Why do we need more vehicles?
Yes, some leading indicators show a blip. True, the govt. has been status-quo-ist, instead of boldly reforming and implementing least governance, but the condition may not be alarming. Let me be proved right in the interests of all.

It is the gift of the west – maybe the dispute whether it was Britain or France, the two glorious descendants of the Greeks the wisest born on earth, who ushered it in is still raging – and it is the best form of govt. That is conventional wisdom. Anyone who wants to question it is insane except maybe you are allowed to quote the devil himself: “Democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time,” attributed to Churchill, but it appears that he was also quoting, but it is not clear whom he was quoting.
What is democracy? Lincoln glorified it as ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people’, and he was a politician. If you add ‘a few’ before ‘people’, it may be closer to truth. The best definition may be that it is govt. in the name of the people who get a periodic chance to vote and then resign themselves to their fate, silent as to governance (protests, bandhs, etc. do not really make it any better a democracy) as typified by R K Laxman whose caricatured common man never utters a word.
The absence of an alternative cannot be a merit for it in its own right.
The parties do bring out a manifesto. Many in the party hierarchy itself may not know what it contains. I do not think voters give it any thought, let alone critical thought. A party voted to power takes it that its manifesto has been approved. That is far from the case.
It is claimed that in Athens (a city state) there was direct democracy. Being history-blind I do not know what it meant, what issues were discussed and how a decision was arrived at. In today’s numbers, nothing like that is possible. We saw some clownish SMS decision making process, which died stillborn as could be expected. Direct democracy is out of the question.
How far can we say that the decisions taken by the govts are for the people and would have got the support of a majority (democracy can be no better than that)? Often, the decisions are for the benefit of those in power and in legislatures, and for a few influential people. Even in mature democracies, the position cannot be too different.
But why is democracy preferable? Not on the question of ability, but on the theory of numbers! For any job, be it even that of an unskilled worker, some eligibility is prescribed and the motion of selection is gone through. Not for those who want to rule. The qualification for this is age and presumed sanity. A person may know mothing more than click a few snaps with an automatic camera, or some dabbling in spirituality, and may find himself as the head of a govt. It is not even necessary that he must have won an election. He may be picked up for the upper house (a euphemism) and may head a govt if enough number is mustered by whatever means to prove the majority. There is no training, no evaluation on the job.
If we look at some of the dynasties, we see that the crown prince was groomed in various arts of governance, like military and administration. In some cases, we see that some test of popularity was also practised. The ruler was primarily expected to protect the country and was expected to be valiant and face a battle. Democratic dynasty has other preparation in the game of winning election, keeping a flock and making money. That is the way we have seen, not that it is the same in democracies that seem to have given a better account.
In academic setting, democracy is debate leading to a decision, consensual if possible or by majority if inevitable, with wide participation of the population in question (the assembly if decision is by legislature). Do we see it happen? How many times do we see any sensible and learned discussion on finance bills which are the most impactful in the economic well-being of a nation? What we see is members shouting, walking out, rushing to the well of the house, or fighting with available furniture, maybe it is a proxy for the military training rulers underwent in monarchies. Once a decision is taken, all must cooperate in implementing it. But, the prevalent mode is sabotaging it. This is the practice of the ‘learned and informed’. The others mind their business of earning their bread or whiling away their time.
Many in India feel that China has progressed because of dictatorship. It may or may not be true. Not all dictatorships have made similar progress. We have seen countries like Nigeria where the dictators have been swindling.
There are many who feel that caste is at the root of our failure to make quick progress. If historians (of the west) are to be believed, India was a leading nation until industrial revolution turned the table. Caste must have been at its worst perhaps then.
In any situation where two routes are possible exclusively and we choose one route, what would have been the situation if we had chosen the other route would be a moot point.
Right education, inculcation of values, hard work, discipline and continuous public vigil only can ensure an orderly society and shared prosperity. Any system of government that can facilitate these must be beneficial. But, it is a tall order.
Harari ponders: “How come thirty years ago people were willing to risk nuclear holocaust because of their belief in a communist paradise? A hundred years hence, our belief in democracy and human rights might look equally incomprehensible to our descendants.”

I present two articles, one written in the American context and another in the Indian context.
Excerpts from the former:
5 myths:
1.    Voters are selfish.
2.    Democracy depends upon the consent of the governed.
3.    Political participation helps bring us together.
4.    America is a democratic country. (It is ‘republican’ now!)
5.    Democracy is inevitable.
Excerpts from the latter:
“A Hindu king at his coronation would declare: “I am the power!” but the Brahmin raj guru would wag his finger at the king and say, “No, dharma is the power.” And the king had to repeat (in acceptance): “Dharma is the power”!”
“Dissent is essential to protect the majority from making mistakes, and relying solely on its mandate and agenda. But dissent without dialogue is a recipe for disaster.”

Possibly, both Adam Smith and Karl Marx, two British citizens, got it wrong both in theory and in practice.
The total good of the community may not be the summation of the individual good in monetary terms. The private wealth one accumulates cannot be expected to accrue to the community at large by any stretch of imagination, and there is no practical vindication for it. The wealth has to be shared voluntarily out of human good will, a prompting of normative religion, or has to be taxed by the govt. as part of economic administration, though it is still uncertain in the latter case how much of it will really go to the larger communal good. 
Labour is not the dominant contributor of national wealth in an organised way. As economics defined, it is one factor of production. It is just not natural that each would contribute according to his talent and would be satisfied with just that much which satisfies his needs. That was a quixotic premise on which Marxism was based and it is no surprise that it floundered. But, it costed innumerable human lives in the hands of power-hungry communists, less in number perhaps only to the number of Indians butchered by blood-thirsty marauders. 
Thus the two extremes are flawed in principle and failed mankind in fact. Buddha's middle path (do not mistake it for socialism which is euphemism for marxism) may work perhaps, but in matter spiritual few have taken to it and its efficacy in economics cannot be assumed. 

What is right? I think we will muddle along as a community as the fickle human tendencies shepherd us, swinging with the wind and swimming with the current, floating hopefully and drowning now and then. Individually, we can shape a life that is satisfying if we choose to be simple and contented. It is my experience that faith helps though I doubt whether god exists as supposed by us. 


Nationalism is required to keep us as one nation.

Nationalism is doing one’s dharma, being fair in one’s dealings, standing by the country in any conflict created by other countries and opposing all subversive and perfidious activities with one’s might.

Nationalism is not 

linguistic or regional chauvinism,

-       religious bigotry,

-       cultism,

-       absence of dissent on internal issues, or

-       one way tolerance.

The lofty ideal that we all form one humanity will not gain in practical terms. 

True nationalism is upholding the idea of India as a sovereign nation against all outside forces, without lionizing any individual, language, region or religion.

Globalism vs Nationalism

Read in an article in AEON:

“Now, the global promise and plotline look shopworn. The nation is back.”

“Nations need an imagined past to connect their citizens to a shared experience; nation-builders create narrative foundations upon which to raise walls and roofs. In a drive to heal – some would say, to paper over – the fractures, a new breed of chronicler has scrambled to rebuild those foundations.”

“The economic crisis of 2008 ripped the halo off the idea of a borderless world. Since 2009, the national flag has been a worldwide emblem of resistance against cosmopolitan elites and inscrutable WTO trade-dispute panels and their technocrats.”

Politics was perhaps ever the same.

Reading history as story (Will Durant) I find that politicians always did immoral things to get to power and remain in power.

"Politics is the art of the possible." “Politics is art of gaining power and craft of retaining it.”

The rosy picture we read of Asoka, Akbar, Rajaraja Chozha, etc. is a generalization that may overlook their misdeeds. Even during the independence struggle which unified us for once, there were murky happenings. It is not as though MKG always acted nobly; he acted politically much of the time. A friend of mine always mentions his supporting the khilafat movement as a gross blunder. MKG supported JLN overlooking Bose, Patel, etc. which may be questionable. He did not derive personal advantage, but that does not make it apolitical.

Even in USA we see how a lot of dirt is thrown around by all politicians.

While there is no justification for the depravity that we see, it is not the end of the world. Slightly better times will dawn sooner or later. That is not reasoned optimism, but hope in cyclicity of good and bad.

I said this before and want to say again that in my useless opinion, Lal Bahadur Sastri was the best PM and I do not see anyone to be better. No one else has put the nation before self and ego.

Some may say that he was there briefly and that there are no achievements to recount. That does not matter. I do not believe the credit given to a few for achievements. That is exaggeration. A leader must stand for values and firmness.

People fault Talwar for not so grand a show under his stewardship. An organisation must have steady growth and stability, not some flamboyance and meteoric rise that is unsustainable.

A nation of 1.3 billion cannot run a race, it must walk steadily. China is a nightmare, not an example. There is no parallel to India in terms of size and variety.

We need a leadership that is even-tempered and robust, not rhetorical. 

Public sector

That is a creation, exclaimed the CM (credit) after visiting a public sector unit, that was bleeding. It was in the Marxist land and the CM too hailed from that land. Creation yes, at what cost and for what return?

I used to visit TTCI office in the nineties as we were doing an assignment for them. I saw the staff there sitting idly with hands on the table and no work in sight. They were like a director drawing sitting fees!

BSNL – the telephone firm that did not listen to its customers. Its staff used to charge for any service on site. The line will go dead if their charge is ignored.

Indian Airlines – an airline that worked to serve its staff and the ministers and babus. Once when I asked why they did not announce the delay, the staff said that up to one hour, it was not considered delay. Even the ‘please’ from the staff would be peremptory.

The purpose of a public enterprise is to create a customer, nurture the customer and add value in terms of the economy and in the context of the society. Whether it is public sector or private sector, that yardstick must be applied to judge it. 

Human beings, the most intelligent in the world, have devised ways to make the world a place fit for their joyous habitation. One way to look at it is as conquest of nature. But perhaps it would be in the fitness of things to view it as wise harnessing of the powers of nature to make it amenable to serve human needs. Nature is still powerful.

We have created refrigerators and ACs., which work only in confined spaces. We are still far from influencing the ambience open-ended.

To make control and regulation feasible, the world was politically divided into many nation states, which impart identity, shared aims, and fortification against encroachment and subjugation. However the nation states warred bringing death and misery for centuries. The devastating world war (largely European) with the invention of nuclear bombs led good men to think of world govt. to save sapiens from mutual destruction by nuclear war. The League of Nations, a post-WWI child, floundered. UN, a post-WWII child, limps.

Instead of world govt., opening up freer flow of capital and commodities caught the fancy to make the entire world a single community for achieving prosperity. So it was thought. It became a gospel. The west pioneered and propagated the idea till it suited its economic suzerainty. Once it pinched them, protectionism in one form or another cropped up. Nationalism is the flavour now.

Human beings are still able to control only a confined space not the entire space.

It remains to be seen whether we will overcome the impediments and usher in a global economy and governance sans friction and debilitating wants in one part even as another part is busy with the idea of colonizing other planets or exo-planets. 

Nehru wrote in Discovery of India how the priests of Somnath depended on prayer to save them from Mahamud Gazni, but were ruthlessly beheaded by Mahmud. 

Poor priests! Prayer was the only defence available to them. But he became the PM, a powerful one. What did he do to defend the country which put the highest trust in him? He tried to humour the enemy and it did a Gazni to him. He lost a third of Kashmir and Aksai Chin.

Is it hindsight? No. Read Guha on Rajaji: “In 1951, as Home Minister in Nehru’s cabinet, Rajaji warned the Prime Minister of the expansionist designs of Communist China. He wrote to Nehru that he felt ‘hurt whenever Pannikar [the Indian Ambassador in Beijing] tells us with extreme satisfaction that China is very friendly to us yet has no territorial ambitions. We do not want any patrons now, do we?’

Eleven years later, by which time Rajaji and Nehru were in opposing political parties, India was invaded by China.”

Why drag his name long after his demise? He dragged the priests 200 years later. That is history and the futility of history. History covers past periods by definition and we cannot now imagine someone else as PM in those times. If we must learn from history, let us put our trust in someone who can stand up and defend the country, not those who are both disparate and desperate. 

What Nehru did or did not do is part of history. We cannot close our mind to it and its continuing impact. It is as ridiculous to find fault with mentioning his name in the right context as to mention him in the wrong context. The imbroglio in Kashmir and the disaster in the battle with China are right recalls, but to blame him for today's failures in economy or politics is wrong context. 

One Nation theory:

Author: A Nut

1.     Do not force any language on anyone. Let people choose as they feel necessary.

2.     Octroi was abolished and now single registration of vehicles for all states has been partially introduced. Extend it universally.

3.     Do not reserve any job. Let people be free to get a job based on common criteria. If necessary, give preference to economically weaker people on some authentic basis.

4.     Do not insist on religion, caste, mother tongue (language known may be asked for) in applications. Ban all news and ads that mention caste in any way.

5.     Forget history, which is a record of opinions and often inflammatory,

6.     Let everyone identify as Indian. Bharata Desam must be an idea of independence movement. There is nothing sacrosanct about it. Most people do not know why it is called Bharata Desam and when exactly it was really called so. I also do not know.

7.     Ban all calls for conversion. If individuals convert, it is their choice. Marketing religion must be banned altogether.

8.     Election speeches and pamphlets must talk policy and programme, shortcomings and achievements, never personalities, religion. Ruling party must file a self-appraisal and EC must be empowered to point out mistakes and impose penalties for egregiously wrong claims. Freebies must be banned. 

Politics was perhaps ever the same.

Reading history as story (Will Durant) I find that politicians always did immoral things to get to power and remain in power.

"Politics is the art of the possible." “Politics is art of gaining power and craft of retaining it.”

The rosy picture we read of Asoka, Akbar, Rajaraja Chozha, etc. is a generalization that may overlook their misdeeds. Even during the independence struggle which unified us for once, there were murky happenings. It is not as though MKG always acted nobly; he acted politically much of the time. A friend of mine always mentions his supporting the khilafat movement as a gross blunder. MKG supported JLN overlooking Bose, Patel, etc. which may be questionable. He did not derive personal advantage, but that does not make it apolitical.

Even in USA we see how a lot of dirt is thrown around by all politicians.

While there is no justification for the depravity that we see, it is not the end of the world. Slightly better times will dawn sooner or later. That is not reasoned optimism, but hope in cyclicity of good and bad.


TN was perhaps the first state to demand secession from Indian union. Kashmir has been simmering, seething and boiling over for a long time. NE has little to identify with the bulky part of India. Shiv Sena in Mumbai was perhaps the first to stoke the fire of the ‘sons of the soil’ theory. Almost all states now make it a point that knowledge of the lingua franca of the state is a must for surviving in the state economically. We have this the latest: ‘1st in India: AP reserves 75% of pvt jobs for locals’. Hindi dominance will further accentuate the divisions.

India is not a homogeneous nation. What works for Japan or China may not work for us. We need to rethink the concept of union and debate federal set-up. We are more like Europe or USA. The idea of uniting India under one language or one faith will severely backfire. We should work within the diversity and plurality giving a sense of control for various regions before the situation gets out of control and we have many Kashmirs.

Will Durant about the decadence of Persian empire: “Nor is it natural that nations diverse in language, religion, morals and traditions should long remain united; there is nothing organic in such a union, and compulsion must repeatedly be applied to maintain the artificial bond.”

It is about conquered nations, but has some relevance for us.