Monday, June 27, 2016


Is yoga a copyright of ‘Hinduism’?
Hinduism does not believe in copyright. There was no attempt to protect the intellectual property, much less spirituality. We do not even know the name of many an author. It has been the practice to tag things to a well-known name. Vyasa is one such name.
The mantra is not a protected thing, but it has to be kept secret (unpronounced). Why? Look at its meaning. मननात् त्रायते इति मन्त्रः. It is called mantra because it protects by being meditated on, not by being chanted. What is meditated is in silence. Also, there is the effect of mental reverence to it, which will be lost by trivialising it.
If yoga is universalised, but the Hindu origin of it is obfuscated, it is no big deal. If it brings peace and happiness to one and all, we realise लोकास्-समस्तास्-सुखिनो भवन्तु.

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