Thursday, August 11, 2016


Freud gave us the notion that most of our actions have a sex bias. It is a moot point. But, all of us are interested in it and most of us have created tangible proof of it. Perhaps old age is when one has a vicarious pleasure. There was a Tamizh writer who was pretty old and would give spicy descriptions in erotic contexts.
A small discussion on the words realted to sex follows. No illustrations!
Sex refers primarily to gender viz. male and female. Male and female are to be used only to denote gender. In other contexts use of these words has an undertone of contempt e.g. when we say ‘that female’.
It is sadly a male dominated world. In words also it manifests. A lady colleague was struggling for a male equivalent of bitch to describe a man. I suggested that there might be none.
Lust denotes desire for sex and lustful is adjective in this sense. Lusty is different and means robust or healthy. Randy and horny (both informal) is ‘sexually excited’.
Some words refer to the physical side like carnal pleasure. In Samskritham, शरीरधर्मं or ग्राम्यधर्मं is the word used. It is part of life and is set as dharma. Sensual refers to senses (physical) and is applied to sexual also. Sensuous is more in the aesthetic sense.
Dissolute is being overindulgent in sexual pleasure. Vichitravirya was dissolute and died of a consuming disease. Debauched and dissipated are other words for it. 
Relationship outside marriage is held reprehensible in all societies. Polygamy (Islam appears to sanction taking up to 4 wives) and polyandry (Draupadi is a classic but solitary example) are approved practices in some societies.
Words associated with extramarital affair:
1.    Adultery: sex between two partners who are married. One has to take care not to confuse it with adulteration, which is perhaps a greater sin.
   2. Fornication: relationship between unmarried ones.
  Words associated with casual sex:
1. One-night stand: relationship for a night.
2. Flirt: have playful sexual interaction 
3. Have a fling: have a short sexual relationship.
4. Licensious: promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters.
5. Promiscuous: having many transient sexual relationships. Wanton also is in this category.
6. Unchaste: having extramarital relationship.
Incest: relationship among close relatives - this may be through marriage also- Hamlet calls the marriage between his mother and uncle as incestuous.
Prurience is showing interest in splashing details of sex life of others. Yellow papers do that.
Lascivious: showing desire for sex.  Lecherous is another word for being excessively desirous of sex. A lecher is always looking for sex. Libidinous and concupiscent also mean the same. Dirty (infml) is having offensive interest in sex. Lubricious (fml derog) is having a strong interest in sexual matters.
Some words denote indecency in speech or writing.
1. Lewd: treating sex in a crude or offensive way.
2. Vulgar: It meant ‘common’ in Shakespeare’s time. It means ‘lacking in taste’ now and ‘obscene’ i.e. offensive to accepted moral standards esp. in sexual matters. Indecent, coarse, filthy, gross also suggest ‘obscene’. Blue is also ‘obscene’, like in ‘blue film’. Raunchy (infml): sexually explicit. Smutty (infml): dealing with sex in offensive way. Rude has the same meaning. Salacious, scabrous: treating sexual matters in a frank and obscene way.
3. Ribald: referring to sexual matters in rude but humorous way. Bawdy also means ‘dealing with sexual matters in an amusing way’
4. Risque: indecent, being sexually suggestive.
5. Earthy: uninhibited about sexual matters.
6. Off-colour (infml): slightly indecent
7. Naughty (infml): connected with sex in rude or funny way.
8. Racy: lively and shocking the way it deals with sex.
9. Suggestive: making somebody think of sex.
10.       Pornographic: showing sex openly.

It is just a time-filling exercise I fancied doing.

 July 13, 2014


புணர்ச்சி இகழ்ச்சிக்குரியதல்ல. புராணங்கள் புணர்ச்சியைப் புகழ்ந்தே கூறுகின்றன. ஞானத்தில் திளைப்பவர்கள் புராண லீலைகளை பரம்பொருள் - ஜீவன் இவற்றின் ஐக்யமாகக் காண்கிறார்கள். நம் மன நிலைக்கேற்ப அவை படும்.