Free wheeling ideas
What is free will?
In religion, free will is used to define one’s destiny. We have free will to accept or reject god, and in one sweeping assumption, to reject god is to join Satan. Those who accept god go to heaven and those who reject go to burning hell.
Even in Hindu thought, free will is required to shape one’s destiny which is not summarily decided, but in repeated births. Krishna tells Arjuna at the end of a long advice to decide as he pleases.
Adi Sankara establishes free will on these terms:
“Any perspective which dismisses free will is untenable:
(i) If there is no free will, god becomes karta (doer) and
also bhokta (enjoyer or sufferer). God becomes samsari.
(ii) If we are only insruments (nimitta), we should not get
any karma palam (fruits of action).
(iii) God is subject to charge of cruelty if we have to
suffer for action out of our control.
(iv) God is also subject to partiality because enjoyment is
not even across beings.
(v) Dharma sastra will not be applicable to human beings if
there is no free will.
(vi) We should have
no choice and no conflicts in the absence of free will.”
(Source: Swami Paramarthananda’s discourse)
For a more logical discussion, we have to brush aside the
religious doctrine.
There is another angle that is also irrelevant. What I will
eat, whether I will go to a movie or which movie, and the like are not material
and free will in these matters means nothing. Funnily, there are people who
believe that even these things are decided by karma. Even a decision to marry
or not, largely in the domain of free will, is not that important.
Momentary things are decided by instinct and reflex. They
cater to our safety and security.
Free will is ability to choose among alternatives that have
a long term implication.
Certain things in our life are beyond the operation of free
will. Our birth does not seem to be the result of our free will. All the vital
functions of our life are involuntary. We do not decide whether to breathe or
not, whether the heart must pump the blood and at what rate (true BP drugs play
a role, but the basic function is still involuntary). All macro events defy
free will of individuals.
Is there a collective social will? That is theoretical. The
force of a large number of people acting under mob psychology cannot be
ascribed to the collective free will of the people.
We have to assume that we have free will to give meaning to
Free will is not unlimited will. We live in a conditioned
world with a conditioned mind. Real use of free will is when we unshackle it
from the conditioning we have regimented it in. But, there is no power for
anyone to free the world itself from its conditioning. Many reformers do not
understand that. The world will cease to exist without the attendant conditions
and tendencies.
Free will is as much mithya as the world, but within
mithya it is valid so long as the world remains valid.